Frances MM Rebollido

atlas WIP
illus. WIP
mood cinema

View all experimental-visual experiences of some of my writing, in a continuous stack.

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© Frances Margaret Rebollido 2018-2024


25082405 (wallpaper of...) 08.25
25082404 (...chamois) 08.25
25082403 (whose house) 08.25
25082402 (in a dream...) 08.25
25082401 (Kömorebi) 08.25
29062401 (ocean swirling ...) 06.29
29062403 (tripping under ...) 06.29
29062405 (where does love ...) 06.29
29062404 (dreaming on ...) 06.29
29062402 (memories of ...) 06.29
tiny man to you 04.25
Montmartre casualty 02.17


light material 12.08
Your subliminal stories...  11.16
suffering from socks  11.16
a place above my shelf 10.21
i only felt good in the afternoon 10.21
bozocorp 01.23


second life 08.28
ant visit 08.04
mantra 07.23
lens 04.24
season of depression 03.24
turning 30 01.22


work flows 10.20
a time in my life 08.03
ocean thoughts 06.10
no dogs and a rainbow 05.23
malinao twilight 05.02
malinao sunrise walks 03.21
after a meditation, new in the island 02.19


undelivered 12.18
sinker wave 05.29
life’s like that 05.29
white noise 05.29
the comedy of mania 05.29


Howl derive 12.27
photographer 02.19
love letter to the sky while in tokyo 02.18


of 2018 12.31
love spelt itself out 11.10
accountability, dead watson 11.10
a line 10.28
ang tindera maldita 07.01
pain, pain 02.19
shibuya 02.05


little maddening 12.11
self coaching 12.10
daze for days 11.26
inbetween 11.19
cool electric 11.06
heavy nights 10.29
A. Lopez street 10.23
sigarilyo sa kadlawn 10.21
It took five pages 10.08
it’s temporary 10.05
progress report 10.02
clouds for mountains 09.26
monster 09.19
moving on 09.08
cloud 08.28
i am realizing that 08.25
breather 08.21
mean drugs 08.18
funk on some esum 08.14
allusions to a diary 08.14
punctuation 08.06
amber waves (an ode to beer) 07.29
watching planes 07.02
dire nights 06.18
change by loss 06.07
good work 05.22
asleep, most lovable 02.14
cheers darlin’ 02.14


sweater in a dream 11.04
baby driver 11.04
i‘m writing 08.16
blond I-III 08.08
drunk on the moon 06.18
oyster or hell 06.17
the peaks and the folds 06.13
coltrane’s after the rain 06.12


there is rain behind 08.04
between flesh 04.16
flakes of burning 04.16
family prayer before meal 03.12


thunderstorms 10.01
for the taking 09.20
smoke around 08.15
radiohead 08.06


oh woman 03.23


suppress 10.23
perks 08.17
Life 08.03
moving colors 06.27
no rhymes 06.09
beads of light 05.25
soliloquy 05.25
hunger dreams 04.30
white steed 04.12
condition your mind 02.27
time 02.20
Home 02.18
as i read the house of leaves 02.12
cracked 01.27
a litter of metaphors 01.24
!cutter 01.24
here’s how 01.13
a note on style 01.10
about Facebook 01.08
feet on my hands 01.06


on technology 12.30
red tape 12.30
!ideation 11.02
edge of desire 07.14
dome of blue 06.15
hermit confessions 05.18
infidelity 05.09
keep the faith 04.29


monologue i 11.01
if only 10.31
the price we pay 10.28
please be safe 10.26
bipolar 10.20

a sarcastic drama written impromptu with a friend

A stream of thoughts stitched together from two writers college kids. A collaborative piece with “lajahkaya” who starts and ends it. (this is not a dialogue)

They say your pupils dilate when you are in love. But so can darkness. I choose darkness.

What is there to love when the darkness gives me everything. A poor substitute for a disillusioned man’s cries to the wind. Everything is a lie. Love is a lie. We are all slaves.

If so, if love and everything is a lie, then we all live in darkness. We do not see, not a yocto of lux is present, yet we judge things by what we feel. No wonder people are messed up, everything they’ve done from the beginning up to now is to judge, define, know, and decide by feeling… all slaves of a hedonistic cause.

What is love if not for lust? Or should I stop beginning my questions with Whats because my light bulbs have burned out?

Bulbs, lamps, suns, and everything that gives out light or what is defined to be light are meaningless, for it diminishes the value of trust. In darkness you learn to trust. My hands are not much, but I tell you that they and I are of your own. Hold them in the darkness and you might see with them.

Reach out for my eyes and pull my hair so that I fall back into your orbit. Step on my toes and offend me so I try to move away. In moving away I feel your gravity. The slightest hint of another being in the darkness with me is all I hope to see in waking. Cut this silence with broken echoes of a sound I can mistake to be my name.

I shall pull out your eyes and I’ll let you pull out mine as well, for these pair of spheres had its purpose defeated. As for your hair, I shall let it be, for I cannot risk another second that my hands are away from yours. All I need is for you to hold my hands and allow me to pull you closer for me to bask in the warmth of your existence… and closer we shall be hoping enthalpy won’t best us.

I do not love nor do I lie. Our endings turn out the same way, for our lives are spaghetti strings sitting on God’s plate, and in the end we bask in the warmth of God’s tongue and skid down His glorious Esophagus. And in the end we find that we are nothing, for God is nonexistent. I say this because I see everything which is nothing. So take my words and throw them out so they take shape in the playful hands of the wind.

However which way… we all become excrement, either of life or of that supernatural nonexistent being. Yet after all these truths, I choose to hold on to you… for in you there is me… as a narcissist everything about me, I love.