monologue i
monologue i
i broke a wing and you flew in. nursed it, you did. couldn’t wait for it to heal, i wanted to fly with you badly. and just when it did, you went away and i lost you in the clouds. i’m flightless, until you return. lost among a hundred wings, a thousand feathers. the same dizzying white, it’s easy to get lost in the clouds. it’s your eyes i seek. to drown in your warmth, you angel of flight. i need to be home again. i want to call out. but how? i can’t find my music. you see, you brought it with you. i write, in hope. but also in fear. miscommunication is my enemy. don’t mistake the metaphors. i write to you now, please don’t get it wrong. i write in the same key of love and neediness. it’s hard enough that you’re never with me. i need to hear from you always. dreams aren’t enough. i need to be with you to make it all seem real. make yourself real to me. is that too much to ask? it’s a fragile thing, i won’t let it break. and i tell you this. it’s all in your hands…